Port of Antwerp - OCHA and APEC team up for training
OCHA and APEC collaborate in training for foreign dockers.

OCHA, the training centre for dock workers in the port of Antwerp, is to collaborate with APEC-Antwerp/Flanders Port Training Center to organise joint courses for dock workers and operators from ports in other countries, both at location and in Antwerp. The new courses will meet the growing demand for specialist training in various growth countries.
OCHA and APEC will collaborate in the development, promotion and carrying out of the training courses for dockers. OCHA will be responsible for developing the courses and providing the trainers in Belgium and abroad, while APEC will take care of the international promotion and coordination with international delegations. The two parties have defined the terms of their collaboration in a Memorandum of Understanding, which also aims to promote a positive image of the port of Antwerp and its highly skilled dock workers abroad, in particular in other maritime countries.
This MoU and the corresponding collaboration in turn have grown out of an agreement that was signed with the Secretaria de Portos da Presidencia da Republica (SEP) in Brazil. In addition to local seminars what were organised by APEC in the main port cities of Brazil, various “Train the Trainer” courses were given for Brazilian dock workers in collaboration with OCHA.
“I am very glad to have followed this course, as it has been an important milestone in my career as a dock worker,” says Valdo Alvarenga who attended the Train the Trainer course along with 11 other colleagues. “In addition to its professionally equipped facilities OCHA has highly qualified instructors who employ advanced training methods. With their help my colleagues and I were able to receive modern training with the focus on safety and efficiency.”
See more at: http://www.portofantwerp.com/nl/node/13720#sthash.kmyWbn9I.dpuf